Monday 11 January 2016

Twenty sixteen

We're in the second week of January and I've thrown myself headlong into my resolutions. 

They're the usual know...healthier body....healthier mind.  I'm also planning on really throwing myself into my blog.  (Well, not literally...I'm not sure my computer would recover from me smashing my body into it... but I plan on posting more often, not just here and there.)

As you can see I've done really well with that last one, it being the 11th today and my first post of the year. 

Gold star to me.

I'm really not a fan of Winter....I mean, I love the Christmas part, New Year and Oliver's birthday but after that I want to hibernate until Spring is well and truly here.  I missed part of our family Christmas due to my own illness and then New Year because of Oliver's. It was just me, a bottle of Prosecco, some fondant cave people and chunky the death cat. 

...That's "Chunky the death cat" (and yes, that cave lady is missing an arm and a leg....whether it was Chunky or the Stegosaurus, everyone's keeping shtum about it.)

...Whereas this is the regular cat.

...Not that there's anything regular about him.  

He ate a raw aubergine the other day.  

True story.  

Also, you know the cucumber challenge....he ate that too.

Anyway, I'm babbling...

So...really not a fan of the cold, the dark or all the bloody rain.  

I'm not a fan that the timer on our boiler randomly stops so I have had to get out of bed in the freezing cold of our single glazed bedroom in the mornings.  I know, I know...#firstworldproblems...I'm a terrible person.

Or that moment when you've had a shower and have to reach for your towel in sub zero temperatures, afraid you'll get frost bite.  

Or the rate that tea cools down.  I can usually trust my judgement, but the number of lukewarm teas I've had recently is depressing.

I know I shouldn't be wishing time away but I long for Spring.  But then again, when Spring comes it means my babies will turn two and four and that just seems far too grown up (says she with an eight year old).

I know I'm complaining but in all honesty we have a rather exciting year ahead of us.  We're sorting out our house, having a holiday with my parents and siblings and are thinking about another dog.  Hugo is going to start school (although is that exciting or heart wrenching?)

Oh...and our house.....our lovely little house.  I'm well and truly in love with it.  Even the way the back door sticks so permanently has a draught.  The half finished hall floor (I promise I'll finish it soon Mr B....promise).  The wonky walls.  All of it. ...other than the cold...

So...I'll be back's a resolution, don't you know?  If I don't then who knows what will happen.

Perhaps the planets will misalign and it'll be the start of the apocalypse?

Perhaps I'll be doomed to cold tea for the rest of my life?

Or perhaps I'll just be mildly disappointed in myself.

Who knows...It's not a risk I'm willing to take, given the likelihood of disaster.  I'm not a statistician but it seems pretty high.

So for now, but not for long...Toodle pip.

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